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_^bgbpb ehdZeg_ kZfhmijZ _. AZol_ ba klZ Z 3. H h] qeZgZ kZ^j`b ih^Zld_ h ih^ghkbhpm aZol_ Z, h _g_j]_lkdh ^_eZlghklb b ba Z _ h bkijZ ghklb b bklbgblhklb ih^ZlZdZ gZ _^_gbo m aZol_ m ba Hirl_]. 1 index for inclusion developing learning and participation in schools part 1 an inclusive approach to school development Welcome to the index for inclusion The Index is a resource to support the inclusive development of schools. It is a comprehensive document that can help everyone to find their own.

Anxiety is a common condition experienced by young people that can escalate to a point where it impacts on their general wellbeing and activities of daily living; brain development and performance at school or college. If untreated the risk of developing chronic and enduring mental health conditions increases, as well as the risks of deliberate self harm and suicide.

On this course you will learn how to identify anxiety disorders experienced by young people, understand ‘stigma’ related to mental health and develop your ability to help a young person experiencing debilitating anxiety.