Programma Dlya Bistrogo Vzyatiya Zakazov V Taksi

___ Posvyashchayu vsem, komu ne hvatilo zhizni ob etom rasskazat'. I da prostyat oni mne, chto ya ne vs£ uvidel, ne vs£ vspomnil, ne obo vs£m dogadalsya. ___ Godu v tysyacha devyat'sot sorok devyatom napali my s druz'yami na primechatel'nuyu zametku v zhurnale 'Priroda' Akademii Nauk. Poka moi gosti razdevalis' i razuvalis' v prihozhej, ya obratil vnimanie, chto na vseh dobrotnye kozhanye kurtki, a na Mishke dazhe tureckaya oblivnaya dublenka, kostyumy s galstukami. Tol'ko ded Egor yavilsya v privychnoj dlya Zatopina telogrejke.
Travelling by taxi has never been this easy! The new Taksi Helsinki app allows you to order a taxi, pay and get a receipt – all electronically through the app! - You can register up to two different cards for paying electronically - The app works in the Greater Helsinki area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen) and it locates you automatically - You can save your favorite addresses and places for a quicker and easier ordering - You have an opportunity to choose either a regular taxi, a station wagon or a minibus - You can call the driver straight from the app - When making the booking, you receive both a reservation number and the taxi number itself – no more wondering whether the car in front of you is the one you ordered or not! - As you arrive to your destination, no need to wait and pay – the app charges the ride from your card and you get the receipt delivered to your email! - If needed, you can also call the taxi center or book a SMS taxi straight from the app Taksi Helsinki – Wherever You Are.
Travelling by taxi has never been this easy! The new Taksi Helsinki app allows you to order a taxi, pay and get a receipt – all electronically through the app! - You can register up to two different cards for paying electronically - The app works in the Greater Helsinki area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen) and it locates you automatically - You can save your favorite addresses and places for a quicker and easier ordering - You have an opportunity to choose either a regular taxi, a station wagon or a minibus - You can call the driver straight from the app - When making the booking, you receive both a reservation number and the taxi number itself – no more wondering whether the car in front of you is the one you ordered or not! - As you arrive to your destination, no need to wait and pay – the app charges the ride from your card and you get the receipt delivered to your email! - If needed, you can also call the taxi center or book a SMS taxi straight from the app Taksi Helsinki – Wherever You Are.
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) soE Standard Operating Environment soM Start of Message soS 1> _rad. Signal bedstviya 2> _razg.
Pros'ba o pomoshi 3> podavat' (radio-)signal bedstviya soTA State Of The Art soc. Society noun obshestvo social Darwinism 1> _sociol. Social'nyi darvinizm (popytka rasprostranit' princip bor'by za sushestvovanie na oblast' obshestvennyh yavlenii) social Register 1> _am.
Svetskii kalendar' (spravochnik) _Ex: to be in the social Register prinadlezhnost' k vysshemu svetu social Security Act 1> zakon o social'nom obespechenii society of Friends 1> 'Obshestvo druzei' (oficial'noe naimenovanie sekty kvakerov) society of Jesus 1> orden iezuitov socratic 1> sokratov, sokratovskii _Ex: socratic method sokraticheskii metod (iskusstvo dobit'sya istiny putem ustanovleniya protivorechii v suzhdenii protivnika) sodom 1> _bibl. Sodom 2> mesto, gde caryat porok i rasputstvo sodomite 1> _ist.
Zhitel' Sodoma 2> pederast; gomoseksualist 3> skotolozhec sofia noun g. Sofiya sogdian 1>Kak udalitj time boss s kompjyutera. _ist. Sogdiiskii, otnosyashiisya k Sogdiane soho 1> Soho (raion francuzskih i ital'yanskih restoranchikov i nochnyh klubov v Londone, raion bogemy) soil Bank 1> sel'skohozyaistvennyi bank, zemel'nyi bank, _am.
Bank, okazyvayushii pomosh' fermeru sol 1> _mif. Sol', bog Solnca 2> solnce (takzhe old s.) sol. Solicitor noun solisitor, advokat (dayushii sovety klientam) solicitor General 1> general'nyi stryapchii (v Velikobritanii; zamestitel' general'nogo prokurora ili chlen pravitel'stva) 2> zamestitel' ministra yusticii (v SShA) 3> glavnyi prokuror (v nekotoryh shtatah SShA) solicitor General 1> vysshii chinovnik ministerstva yusticii, zamestitel' ministra yusticii (v SShA), glavnyi prokuror (v nekotoryh shtatah) solicitor-General noun; 1) vysshii chinovnik ministerstva yusticii; 2) amer. Zamestitel' ministra yusticii, zashishayushii interesy gosudarstva v sudebnyh processah; 3) amer.
Glavnyi prokuror (nekotoryh shtatov) solid south 1> _am. Yuzhnye shtaty, tradicionno golosuyushie za demokratov solly noun- dim. Of solomon Solli solomon 1> _bibl. Solomon 2> mudrec solomon's seal 1> _rel. Solomonova pechat' 2> _bot. Kupena, poligonatum (Polygonatum) solomonic 1> solomonov 2> mudryi, spravedlivyi solon 1> Solon (zakonodatel' v Drevnei Grecii) 2> mudryi pravitel' 3> _iron.