Download Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Workout - [GuruFuel-RIP] FREE. If you are looking for one extreme fat burning workout, then well well you just. Workout 1&2 (avi) FREE TRX Force Training - Strength Workouts 1 & 2 (avi) Enjoy.

BUCKLE UP FOR A DETAILED REVIEW: I’m a 27 female. My starting weight was at 213 and I was doing absolutely no physical activity before I started this tape. I was fit during college (age 18-22) but I gained a lot of weight since then due to working a desk job and being lazy. On 1/1/2018, I started eating healthier breakfasts and lunches. I had a yogurt for breakfast and low-carb lunch (sweet potatoes, lentils, veggies, apple/almond butter, half of a whole grain chicken sandwich type of things).

For dinner, I mostly ate healthy and if we went out I would just pick the lowest calorie salad on the menu. I went to the doctor and they weighed me at 213. Then, I started the 30 Day Shred. I’m almost at the end of the 30 Days and I weigh 186 according to my home scale which we just bought and is accurate (also verified by my husband). I did not change my eating habits, I just tried to eat healthier.

I did Level 1 for 10 days and then went straight to Level 3. I only did Level 2 for 1 day as it started off with way too much jumping for me (I hate jumping up and down). When I started Level 1, it was HARD. By the end of the 10 days, it started feeling easier so I felt like I could jump to Level 3.

Level 3 had butt kicks, walking push-ups, Supermans, boxing with weights, sit-ups, jump squats, etc. There’s two girls on the tape, one harder and one with modifications and I did follow the modification one sometimes - I didn’t always do the hard girl even in Level 1. In Level 3, I switched the “rockstar jumps” with high knees and kicks just because again, I had jumping up and down.

Worked out in the mornings because if I try to do it after work I will not do it. RESULTS: My watch feels looser, I have more energy, my pants feel looser, my stomach isn’t as protruding when I lay down in bed. I’m still not down to my goal weight of 150.

I do think that I lost a lot of weight because I was not doing anything before AND because I have more to lose (if you’re already smaller this will help you with toning), but I do credit this video for getting me off my butt and melting some easy weight off of me. I will continue using this DVD and will update my review if something changes.

Hope this helps! You can do it! Make it through 10 days and then you’ll be unstoppable! I first began working out to the 30 Day Shred a year ago today, but never got around to leaving a review for some reason.

Since I truly believe this DVD is a game changer, especially for beginners, as well as it being my 'anniversary' today, I felt it was now fitting to finally leave a review for this awesome workout. First some context.I am a 33 year old Asian female who has been a bit overweight for most of my adult life.

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I didn't weigh myself before I began my exercise journey, but I believe I was close to 160 lbs. And wore XL most of the time. However, I am not the stereotypical petite Asian as I am about 5'6, so the extra pounds on me were not too bad looking, except for the fact that I had a belly!