You could automate the process of using google docs with php. Google provides a ppt viewer that can be embed into webpages using the following code Now im assuming php handles the uploads your users make, thus it would be easy to find the url to the specific ppt file. You could store this url either in a variable or a database, fetch it when needed and place it in the code above.

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I hope I have been able to explain the logic im trying to apply, do let me know if you need more specifications. Why do you say it is infeasible? If he can find a tool that does the conversion as an invokable process, then this is rather straightforward to automate, so I think your conclusion is unreasonable. More infeasible is the idea that OP is going code a Powerpoint renderer in PHP; even you didn't suggest that, nor did you downvote OP's question. Finally, if you did think my answer infeasible, a downvote on your part is reasonable behavior (and you could then comment as your finally did, perhaps causing a reasonable discussion) A flag is reserved for an answer that violates norms. Free download lagu the script man on a wire line – Jul 25 '13 at 5:22 •.

You want to re-write Powerpoint in PHP? I'm gonna say. Very difficult at best.

There are, however, tools out there that make your life easier. Also, there's a 'Save as web page' option in Powerpoint, so maybe you could have your uploaders save the powerpoint as a web page, and upload that output, which I would imagine would be pretty easy for you to subsequently put up on the web.

Alternatively, if you're feeling more ambitious, you could read up on the Google docs APIs, and possibly create a portal to upload to Google docs for the contributors, and view Google docs for your visitors. Your PHP frontend could leverage the power of Google docs, but eliminate the cumbersomeness (I'm kind of surprised that's a real word).

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