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We presented experience in the development and preliminary results of the testing of the new modules of basic professional research master’s program “Cultural-Historical Psychology and Activity Approach in Education”. We discuss the guidelines for the development of such a program, based on the principles of scholar school of Vygotsky, Leontiev, and Luria. There are evidence of the effectiveness of the new program for the training of teachers and researchers who can professionally solve the problems of modern education and apply the concepts and methods of cultural-historical psychology and activity approach to address training and development of children.

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We have reviewed the organization of training of master students based on network of partner universities using the opportunity of networking with educational institutions at various levels, the need to expand net of places for practical training and increase the research and practice for students. Particular attention is paid to the new methods of evaluation of students’ educational outcomes using through design and research tasks, professional ability of a student to investigate the issues of organization and development of training activities as well as professional communication between student, his/her research advisor and the head of the practical training. We have discussed the discourse workshop which is a new form of teaching and research sessions, which extends the system of professional communications of the students and allows to aim them at finding and solving research problems. References • Bolotov V.A.

Programma modernizatsii pedagog­icheskogo obrazovaniya 2014–2017 [Elektronnyi resurs] [The program of modernization of teacher education 2014–2017]. Portal soprovozhdeniya proektov modernizatsii pedagogicheskogo obra­zovaniya [ Portal support projects for modernization of teacher education]. URL: (Accessed: ).

Didakticheskaya igra sostav chisla 4. Condition: new. Dannoe posobie soderzhit raznoobraznye zadanija, pomogajuschie usvoit sostav chisla, a takzhe reshenie zadach na etu temu. Posobie pomogaet vypolnit trebovanija novogo FGOSa. Posobie mozhet byt ispolzovano dlja dopolnitelnoj raboty kak na uroke, tak i dlja samostojatelnoj raboty doma ili vo vremja kanikul. Language: Russian.

• Veresov N.N. Eksperimental’no-geneticheskii metod i psikhologiya soznaniya: v poiskakh utra­chennogo (stat’ya pervaya) [Experimental genetic method and the psychology of the consciousness in search of lost (first article)]. Kul’turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [ Cultural-historical psychology], 2014, no. 121–130 (In Russ., abstr. 3.Veresov N.N. Eksperimental’no-geneticheskii me­tod i psikhologiya soznaniya: v poiskakh utrachen­nogo (stat’ya vtoraya) [Experimental genetic method and the psychology of the consciousness in search of lost (second article)].

Kul’turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya [ Cultural-historical psychology], 2015, no. 117–126 (In Russ., abstr. • Margolis A.A. Trebovaniya k modernizatsii os­novnykh professional’nykh obrazovatel’nykh pro­gramm (BPEP) podgotovki pedagogicheskikh kadrov v sootvetstvii s professional’nym standartom peda­goga: predlozheniya k realizatsii deyatel’nostnogo podkhoda v podgotovke pedagogicheskikh kadrov [Elektronnyi resurs] [Requirements for the moderni­zation of basic professional educational programs (BPEP) teacher training in accordance with the pro­fessional standard of the teacher: proposals for the implementation of the active approach in teacher training]. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie [ Psychological Science and Education], 2014, no.

URL: (Accessed: ). • Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot № 376 «Ob utverzhdenii i vvedenii v deistv­ie federal’nogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel’nogo standarta vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 050400 Psikhologo­pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie (kvalifikatsiya (ste-pen’) «magistr»)» (red. Ot ) [Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of № 376 “On approval and enactment of the federal state educational standards of higher professional education in the direction of preparation 050400 Psycho-pedagogical education (qualifica­tion (degree) “master”)]. URL: ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_101372/ (Accessed: ).